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If my paintings could talk...
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If my paintings could talk...by Ray Yip

"Enjoy life my son,"said the sage,"in everything you do, be it work or play."

I have never forgotten these wise words given to me when I was seventeen by a friend's father in respond to my searching question,"what is the meaning of life?"

Today,these many years later, my heart, mind and spirit still soar in words which reflect the accord with these joyful saying, the universal harmony.

There is no doubt in my mind that everything is exactly as it is meant to be. Acceptance leads to a happy existence. Denial brings uncertainty and inevitably, unhappiness.

Admittedly, we are far from perfect as a species. wars rage across the globe. The planet labours under the terrible burden of man-made pollution. Injustice flourishes everywhere and as recent events reveals, can arise suddenly to challenge all that we hold sacred.

But there is much to wonder at, marvel and enjoy. This earth is a beautiful place and will endure beyond our transitory ignorance and wilful destructiveness.

Each day I watch the elemental ocean lapping its foaming tongue on the rocks below my studio. The glorious sun marches from horizon to horizon in an orgy of color that no brush can capture. The moon and stars wheel in the darkness of infinite place. I see that everything is as it should be and a great place decends on me as I pick up my brush to paint.

As I do so I reflect on my early wanderings across the oceans of the world, sailing with my soul brother and skipper, the late LIN WAH YE to the art centres of modern civilisation in Europe and America. During these journeys, I saw the ocean as a metaphor for life. Storm was followed by serenity. Black sky gave way to blue. Peace followed violence. And so goes the world.

My relationship with the sea and the art galleries of London, Paris and New York, provided the inspiration for me to paint. I was like a child visiting candle stores. I was crazy for Art.

"Life is for enjoyment, be it work or play," the voice said.

I painted bright colors. Red for my passion and love for life. Blue, green and yellow...all expressions of "joie de vivre", which speak Nature and poetry of my roots and culture.

As a painter, I am fascinated by the forces of energy,feelings,emotion, freedom and human rights, whose sum, forms the essence of a joyous existence.

If my paintings could speak, they would say,"Enjoy life, in everything you do." And if you look closely you will see captured in the purity of vibrant colors, a prism of my deepest thoughts on how beautiful life can be.

This is the simple truth of my approach to painting. And now, I've let the cat out of the bag, I can hear people saying,"well, if that's all there is to it, I'll take up painting tommorrow." (And I have to move back to architecture for a living) But that's fine. Because we will have shared a moment of truth and understanding, which is vastly preferable to having your visit without food for thought.

So there you have it. Look,contemplate and enjoy!

Thank you for coming.


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Last modified: October 13, 2000